Nordhus Dentistry

Common Dental Implant Side Effects

Sep 18, 2019 @ 03:34 PM — by Byron J Nordhus D.D.S.
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most stable and durable restoration for missing teeth. Dental implants are small titanium screws that are surgically placed into the jaw, where they replace the roots of missing teeth and act as an anchor for dental crowns, dental bridges, or dentures.

Because dental implant treatment involves oral surgery, side effects are a natural part of the recovery process. Dr. Byron J. Nordhus discusses common dental implant side effects with our Wichita, KS, patients so that they have a good idea of what to expect as they recover from treatment.


When dental implants are placed, an incision is made in the gum line. Incisions are closed at the completion of surgery, but many patients still experience light bleeding at the treatment site. This is a normal side effect of dental implant treatment and should not be cause for concern. In most cases, patients will bleed for no more than 24 hours, though some may notice the loss of blood or other fluids for up to 72 hours.

To decrease bleeding, patients are given small sponges or packs of gauze to bite down on after surgery. Patients should bite down on gauze for at least the first hour following their procedure. Pressure should significantly minimize bleeding.


Following dental implant treatment, the gums and face surrounding the implant site are likely to look puffy and swollen. Inflammation occurs because the body delivers extra blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients that are essential for healing. Swelling is usually most prominent around 48 hours after surgery, and should begin to improve from there. Usually, inflammation dissipates within a week after dental implant treatment.

To reduce swelling during dental implant recovery, our Wichita patients can apply cold compresses or ice packs. Ice packs should be wrapped in a thin cloth and then placed on the cheek by the surgical site. Ice packs can be applied every few hours for about 20 minutes at a time, as needed.

Pain or Discomfort

Anesthesia is used to keep patients comfortable throughout dental implant surgery. Unfortunately, patients are likely to experience some pain or discomfort as they recover from their procedure. The jaw and gums immediately surrounding the implant site are likely to be the most sore, but the entire mouth may feel extra tender for the first several days following treatment.

Many of our Wichita patients are able to control discomfort through the use of over-the-counter pain medication. However, if pain is more severe, patients can ask Dr. Nordhus about prescription-strength pain medication.


Not all dental implant patients will develop bruising, but it is not uncommon. Patients may notice light bruising around the gums, or even on the face near the surgical site. Any bruising should be pretty minor and is likely to clear up within a week of recovery.

Message Us

If you have experienced adult tooth loss, dental implants can restore oral functions and preserve the integrity of your jaw. To learn more about this missing tooth treatment, message us at your earliest convenience, or schedule an appointment with Dr. Byron J. Nordhus by calling (316) 721-6730.