Nordhus Dentistry

Dentures Aftercare

Dec 17, 2019 @ 07:03 PM — by Byron J Nordhus D.D.S.
Tagged with: Dentures Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry

Getting a set of dentures can dramatically improve your dental health and overall well-being. Your ability to speak and eat your favorite foods will be restored, and you’ll feel less self-conscious while smiling and laughing around others. Dr. Byron J. Nordhus has created custom dentures for many people in Wichita and West Wichita, KS.

Proper aftercare will help extend the life of your dentures and improve overall satisfaction with the way they look and function. Let’s go over some of the basics of caring for and cleaning your dentures.

Easing Back Into a Solid Food Diet

Don’t expect to start eating carrots and granola as soon as you step out of the practice with new dentures. You first need to get used to the nature and feel of your newly restored bite. Start eating soft foods first so you can get a feel for chewing while wearing dentures. Slowly, over the next few weeks, you can add more hard foods back into your diet.

Over time, you may find that certain foods give you more trouble than others. Think of different ways to cut or prepare those problem foods so you can still enjoy them without causing too much wear on your dentures and your gums.

Dealing with Denture Discomfort

Even though dentures are custom made for you, they can be a little uncomfortable at first. This is particularly true of the gumline along your dental arch. Your gums can feel raw or sore along certain stretches where the denture makes contact.

You can shift back to soft foods if your gumline is feeling sore. It’s also recommended that you stop by our practice to discuss the problems you’re facing. We can adjust the fit of the denture and make further recommendations for comfort and proper function.

Cleaning Your Denture

Cleaning your denture is relatively straightforward. You should brush the denture clean with a soft-bristled toothbrush using a non-abrasive gel toothpaste. Be sure to do this at least twice a day to keep your breath fresh and clean, and to remove food particles on the various surfaces of the denture. You can use denture cleanser as well to help remove bacteria and matter from the hard-to-reach places of the appliance.

Washing Your Mouth, Tongue, and Gums

In addition to cleaning the denture itself, be sure to clean your gums, tongue, and mouth. Food particles and bacteria can get lodged anywhere, so rinse your mouth out and gently clean off your tongue and gum tissue as well. Antibacterial mouthwash can be very helpful for your regular oral hygiene routine.

Soaking Your Denture Overnight

Soaking your denture when it’s out of your mouth will help it avoid changing shape and warping the fit. Remove your dentures at night to soak. Some denture cleansers are even made for overnight use. Having your dentures out while you sleep also relieves the pressure on your gums and dental arch, providing much needed comfort and care.

Attend Regular Dental Exams and Cleanings

Be sure to attend regular dental exams and cleanings every six months. You can speak with your dentist about any issues you’ve faced with your dentures. Your dentist will be able to assess the health of your mouth and overall condition of the denture.

As situations change, the denture’s fit can be adjusted. We can also discuss denture repair and replacement as needed.

Learn More About Dentures

If you would like more information about dentures and how they can help you, be sure to contact a skilled cosmetic and restorative dentist. You can reach our dental care practice by phone at (316) 721-6730.