Nordhus Dentistry

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Oct 4, 2021 @ 10:00 AM — by Byron J Nordhus D.D.S.
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry Wichita Nordhus Dentistry

Professional dental services are invaluable when it comes to preserving dental health or treating structural damage and other dental complications to restore oral health and functions. In addition to these beneficial services, a large portion of the dental industry is focused on the appearance of the smile.

Cosmetic dentistry addresses aesthetic flaws to provide individuals with a smile that looks white, straight, and unblemished. Here, cosmetic dentist Byron J. Nordhus explains a little more about the field of cosmetic dentistry, and goes over some of the cosmetic dentistry treatments that are available to his Wichita, and West Wichita, KS, patients.

Cosmetic Dentistry Applications

Cosmetic dentistry focuses primarily on the aesthetics of the smile. The services provided by a skilled cosmetic dentist are meant to address superficial imperfections that make the smile look less than ideal. By treating cosmetic blemishes, Dr. Nordhus provides his Wichita patients with an attractive and uniform smile, so that they feel more confident talking, laughing, and sharing their smiles with others.

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

There are a wide range of flaws that can detract from the overall appearance of the smile. Common aesthetic imperfections include dental stains, general discoloration, minor chips, cracks, or fractures, gapped teeth, and minor to moderate malocclusion problems. Cosmetic dentistry treatments restore the appearance of the smile (and sometimes the structure of the teeth) to give patients the attractive smile they desire.

There are a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments that may be performed to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals. Some of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments offered at our dental practice include:

Will Insurance Cover the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment?

The teeth are exposed to a lot of substances and activities (foods, beverages, general wear and tear, etc.) that can gradually compromise their appearance, so it is common for people to have imperfections that make them feel self-conscious about their smile. However, while many people have a desire to improve the aesthetics of their smile, the cost of cosmetic dentistry treatment is often a concern. We are commonly asked if dental insurance will cover the cost of cosmetic dentistry treatment.

In most cases, insurance does not provide coverage for dental treatments that are solely cosmetic in nature. However, some cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as tooth-colored fillings and dental crowns, also improve the structure of the teeth. In these situations, dental insurance may provide at least partial coverage for dental treatment. For instance, insurance may cover the cost of dental filling treatment, but patients may have to pay out-of-pocket to upgrade to a tooth-colored restoration.

Making Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

With or without insurance coverage, many patients are surprised by how affordable cosmetic dentistry treatment can be. And because he believes that every patient deserves to have the cosmetic dentistry treatment necessary to restore their smile, Dr. Nordhus is happy to accept CareCredit financing, which breaks treatment costs down into affordable payments for patients.

Get In Touch

If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile, Dr. Nordhus would be happy to personalize a cosmetic dentistry treatment plan to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. To learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services, and which may be right for you, send us a message online, or call (316) 721-6730 at your earliest convenience.