Nordhus Dentistry

Treating Stubborn Cases of Bad Breath

Dec 12, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by Byron J Nordhus D.D.S.
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Bad breath can affect a person’s confidence and make them feel self conscious when talking to others. Some people are lucky enough to deal with bad breath only on rare occasions, and in these instances a breath mint or piece of gum may take care of the problem. But for many others, bad breath is a frequent concern. Persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, is often the sign of an underlying problem that requires more serious attention. General dentistry services that help to maintain good oral health can prevent bad breath, and they can also be useful in diagnosing the most likely source of stubborn bad breath. Dr. Byron J. Nordhus offers bad breath treatment to his Wichita, KS patients so that they don’t have to worry about unpleasant breath.

What Causes Bad Breath?

To effectively treat bad breath, it is first important to determine the cause of bad breath. There are several possible causes of bad breath. While occasional cases of bad breath are often caused by the consumption of fragrant foods or beverages, this is rarely the cause of halitosis. Instead, persistent cases of bad breath are more likely to be caused by one of the following:

Bad Breath Treatments

Because many of the causes of bad breath are related to oral hygiene or oral health, an experienced dentist such as Dr. Nordhus can successfully diagnose and treat most cases of halitosis. The treatment that will prove most effective for patients will be dependent on what is causing bad breath. Below are some of the dental treatments that may be helpful in restoring fresh breath for patients:

Contact Us

If you find yourself battling bad breath, there may be a dental complication that is at the source of the problem. A simple dental exam with Dr. Byron J. Nordhus can help you pinpoint the cause of bad breath and come up with an appropriate treatment plan. Contact us at your earliest convenience to learn how you can restore freshness to your breath.