Nordhus Dentistry

Invisalign Treatment Timeline

Aug 14, 2018 @ 01:08 PM — by Byron J Nordhus D.D.S.
Tagged with: Invisalign

Invisalign is an excellent option for patients that want a discreet and convenient teeth straightening treatment. This orthodontic system uses clear aligners to gradually move the teeth into their desired positions.

If you are considering Invisalign, the length of your treatment is an important question. Generally, the timeline will depend on your individual needs and overall compliance.

Here, Dr. Byron J. Nordhus discusses the typical Invisalign treatment timeline. Read on to learn more, and then contact our Wichita, KS practice to schedule your appointment with us.

Stage 1 - Treatment Consultation and Planning

During your consultation, Dr. Nordhus will evaluate your smile, discuss your goals, and create a unique, digital treatment plan. We will talk about your specific timeline, go over the treatment cost, and answer any questions you may have.

Invisalign is not always the right treatment for every patient. Another orthodontic or cosmetic dentistry treatment may be more suitable to your needs. If this is the case, Dr. Nordhus will explain your alternative options.

If you wish to to move forward with Invisalign, we will take photographs, X-rays, dental impressions, and a bite registration.  

Stage 2 - Personalized Aligner Trays

Once we have completed the initial exam, we will complete and submit an Invisalign prescription form. This documents your current bite, the way Dr. Nordhus wants your case treated, and the type of alignments and adjustments needed. All of your records are sent as well.

The off-site Invisalign technicians use this information to virtually map out the step-by-step transformation of how your teeth will move as you progress through your treatment plan.

Once your proposed plan has been approved, the technicians will create a series of upper and lower dental casts. Aligners are then fabricated on each cast. A typical treatment may require between 20 to 30 pairs.

We expect to receive your aligners in our office within three to six weeks from the date of your consultation.

Stage 3 - Aligner Progression

When the aligners are ready, we will schedule an appointment with you to officially begin your treatment. You will notice that your first set of aligners do not quite fit right. This is because they are not designed to fit your teeth; they will fit the target alignment of your teeth after two weeks of use.

The areas that may seem a little tight are where the most movement will occur, slowly and gradually. You will switch to the next set of aligners every two weeks to give your teeth the time they need to move into alignment.

The aligners must be worn for at least 22 hours per day. You can remove them during meals, to brush your teeth, or for special occasions. However, it is essential that they be worn for the prescribed amount of time so your treatment completes on time, as scheduled.

Stage 4 - Completing Treatment

Treatment will continue as you change out the aligners every two weeks and attend follow up appointments with us every six weeks.

From start to finish, some patients may only require six months of repositioning treatment and others up to two years. This timeline will be determined before you wear your first aligner.

Once you have completed your orthodontic plan, Dr. Nordhus may prescribe a retainer to wear only at night to ensure there is no further movement.

Contact Us for More Information

If you would like to know more about Invisalign and your possible treatment timeline, contact us online or call us at 316-721-6730.