Nordhus Dentistry

Can I Get Invisalign on the Top Teeth Only?

Nov 15, 2019 @ 12:35 PM — by Byron J Nordhus D.D.S.
Tagged with: Invisalign Crooked Teeth Orthodontics

More and more teenagers and adults are undergoing Invisalign® treatment. This clear alternative to the traditional brackets and wires of braces means patients receive the same benefits of orthodontic care with none of the drawbacks. At Nordhus Dentistry in Wichita, KS, we can determine if Invisalign is the ideal solution for your issues with crooked teeth.

Patients sometimes ask Dr. Byron J. Nordhus if they can get Invisalign for just the upper or lower teeth. Let’s take a moment to answer that question. First, let’s discuss the way that Invisalign works since it will help provide an honest answer.

How Invisalign Works?

Invisalign uses clear plastic aligner trays to shift patient’s teeth into proper position. These aligner trays are worn at all times save for when a patient is eating, drinking, or cleaning their teeth. Patients will switch to a new aligner tray every two weeks.

Over the course of several months and multiple trays, a patient’s smile is gradually re-aligned, ensuring a better overall appearance as well as improved dental health.

Treating the Top Teeth on Their Own

Theoretically, it is possible to treat just the top teeth during Invisalign treatment. A single aligner tray would be used on the top teeth, which gradually shifts the alignment of a smile.

We stress that this is possible in theory. In reality, treatment may be much different. For many of our Wichita Invisalign patients, only wearing an aligner on the top teeth could lead to serious issues with the overall alignment of their smile.

Why There May Be Issues with Correcting Just the Top Teeth

Think of your bite in terms of two complementary rows of teeth: the upper teeth and lower teeth. When you bite down, the upper and lower teeth should fit together nicely. If you change the alignment of the upper row of teeth alone, it could alter the way your bite feels when the upper teeth come into contact with the lower teeth. Your straightened upper teeth may no longer be in alignment with your lower teeth.

To put it another way, changing just one row of teeth could potentially change the entire nature of your bite. Even if your upper teeth are straightened, it could reveal a misalignment of the lower teeth, even if it is relatively slight.

Why Correcting Both the Top and Bottom Teeth Is Ideal

To achieve optimal control and the best possible results during Invisalign treatment, it’s generally best to treat the upper teeth and the lower teeth with Invisalign. This will allow dentists to ensure the upper and lower teeth complement each other properly when you bite down. It also avoids the need for further orthodontic correction at the end of an Invisalign treatment.

Discussing the Invisalign Process in More Detail

During the consultation process for Invisalign, we can go over the treatment process with you in greater detail. We’ll create a custom treatment plan for you and your needs, and help you have a healthier and more beautiful smile.

Schedule an Invisalign Consultation

If you live in Wichita and would like more information about Invisalign and how it can help you, be sure to contact a skilled cosmetic and restorative dentist. You can reach Nordhus Dentistry by phone at (316) 778-6404.