Nordhus Dentistry

Dental Treatments to Replace Missing Teeth

Jul 31, 2022 @ 10:00 AM — by Byron J Nordhus D.D.S.
Tagged with: Dental Implants Dental Bridges Dental Crowns Dentures

Adult tooth loss can have a big impact on the appearance of the smile. Unfortunately, the consequences of tooth loss do not stop there. The loss of even a single tooth compromises oral functions and threatens the structure of the jaw and adjacent teeth. To restore the smile and prevent further complications, individuals should replace missing teeth as soon as possible.

At his dental practice, which serves Wichita, KS, South Wichita, KS, and surrounding areas, Dr. Byron J. Nordhus offers a comprehensive range of treatments for missing teeth , including dental implants, which replace the crowns and roots of a missing tooth. Here, we provide a brief overview of the restorative dentistry treatments that can rebuild the smile following tooth loss.

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge can replace a single tooth or up to three missing teeth from the same area of the mouth. Dental bridges are made up of two dental crowns and a pontic piece. The dental crowns bookend the pontic piece, which is fabricated to replace the tooth, or teeth, that are missing. Dental crowns are bonded to the two natural teeth that sit directly adjacent to the area of tooth loss. The crowns hold the dental bridge in place so that patients can bite, chew, and talk without worrying that the bridge will slip out of place.

Partial or Complete Dentures

When tooth loss is more extensive, dentures are a suitable treatment option. Partial dentures can replace several missing teeth, or tooth loss that affects different areas of the mouth. Complete dentures can replace an entire arch of missing teeth.

Dentures consist of an acrylic base, which resembles the gumline, and artificial teeth. Partial dentures have a metal framework that hooks around natural teeth to hold dentures in place. Complete dentures sit over the gumline and are held in place by suction and the assistance of dentures adhesive. Although dentures have a reputation for being ill-fitted, advanced dental technologies and high-quality materials allow us to offer patients comfortable and secure dentures.

Dental Implants

While dental bridges and dentures are reliable treatments for missing teeth, dental implants are the most superior option for tooth loss replacement. Dental implants are the only restoration that replaces both the roots and crowns of a missing tooth. Implants are surgically placed in the jaw, where they fuse with the bone and act as artificial tooth roots. The implants stimulate bone tissues so that the jaw doesn’t weaken or deteriorate over time.

Once dental implants have fused with the jaw, through a process called osseointegration, they are fitted with small metal posts that protrude from the gumline and act as anchors for dental restorations. Dental implants can secure dental crowns, dental bridges, or dentures, so they are suitable for the loss of a single tooth, a small set of teeth, or a full set of teeth.

We highly recommend dental implants to our Wichita patients, because of the many benefits they provide, including:

Contact Us

If you have experienced adult tooth loss, Dr. Byron J. Nordhus can help you consider your options for tooth replacement. To learn more about the missing teeth treatments offered at our dental practice, send us a message online or call (316) 721-6730 and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.