Effective Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy Can Protect Your Oral Health
Good periodontal care is crucial for preserving the health of your teeth, jawbone, and overall health. Periodontal disease is a serious gum condition that can cause tooth loss, jawbone recession, and an increased risk for developing general health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Dr. Byron J. Nordhus uses the latest dental technologies, such as the carbon dioxide soft-tissue laser to ensure total accuracy and efficiency during your periodontal therapy treatment in our Wichita, KS, practice. This nonsurgical approach at Nordhus Dentistry can effectively treat and manage the earliest stages of periodontal disease.
Eliminate Harmful Bacteria and Restore Your Oral Health
What is Periodontal Disease?
Also known as gum disease, periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that can irreversibly affect the soft and hard tissues in the mouth. This condition is caused by the buildup of plaque around the tooth and along the gum line. Although the primary cause of periodontal disease is untreated plaque buildup, other causes include:
- Smoking and tobacco use
- Poor nutrition
- Genetics
- Pregnancy and hormonal changes
- Certain medications
If your family is prone to developing gum disease, or you suffer from one of the major risk factors, it is vital to recognize the signs of this condition and seek treatment early.
Signs and Symptoms
The most common side effects of gum disease include:
- Persistent bad breath
- Red and inflamed gums
- Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
- Dental sensitivity or pain
- Recessed gums
- Shifting or loose teeth
Symptoms of periodontal disease are often very minor at first. Many patients do not realize there is anything wrong until the disease has spread and caused significant damage, making regular exams essential for lasting oral health.
Periodontal Therapy Treatment
The type of treatment you require will depend on the severity of your gum disease. If gum disease is detected in its earliest stages as gingivitis, symptoms are in most cases reversible with a regular cleaning and proper oral hygiene. More advanced cases can often be treated and managed with a deep cleaning. Advanced gum disease, known as periodontitis can require surgical treatments to repair your soft and hard tissues, teat resulting tooth loss, and restore your oral health.
By combining a deep cleaning with laser technology, we can help prevent future problems, the need for more extensive treatment, and costly restorative procedures.
Our Non-Surgical Treatments
During a deep cleaning, a member of our team will perform a scaling and root planing treatment to remove plaque buildup and unhealthy bacteria. After a applying a topical anesthesia to numb the gums, we can remove plaque from around the base of the tooth and in between teeth using ultrasonic technology and specialized instruments. In order to help the gum tissue reattach to the tooth and prevent future buildups, a planing device will be used to smooth the root surfaces of each tooth affected.
To enhance your treatment, Dr. Nordhus may use a specialized carbon dioxide laser to gently remove unhealthy gum tissue. Because this technology can remove damaged tissue, seal the gums, and sooth all at once, we can provide more comfortable treatment with a shorter recovery. By combining a deep cleaning with laser technology, we can help prevent future problems, the need for more extensive treatment, and costly restorative procedures.
Maintaining Your Gums
To help maintain your results, it is imperative that you follow good oral hygiene habits. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day with a non-abrasive toothpaste and gentle brushing techniques so as not to irritate your gums. Be sure to floss between your teeth and around your gums daily, rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash, and visit Dr. Nordhus for routine dental exams as directed.
Protect Your Oral Health
Dr. Nordhus provides non-surgical periodontal therapy to treat the early effects of gum disease and protect your oral health. To schedule your consultation, you can contact us online or by calling 316-721-6730.